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The series of activities to welcome HUT RI 71 in Tomohon the child festive parade and opened by the Chairman of Tondano PN Mrs. Julien Mamahit, Sh.MH Mayor of Tomohon Jimmy F. Eman, SE.Ak in remarks read out by the Chairman PN Tondano thanked for – as possible to all citizens in Tomohon which has given its full support so that it can be done a variety of activities in Tomohon International Flower Festival 2016 , that it could successfully held for the sixth time in the hopes of economic growth for the community and their multiplier effect for development in various sectors.
Various activities, till now that activity carnival / parade sd boy who engage students (grades 1-2-3), students and residents learn from the kindergarten / early childhood as the city of Tomohon. Anniversary of All 71 Independence of the Republic of Indonesia in 2016 which falls on August 17 is a momentum that is very meaningful to us in the world of education to realize that the nation “Indonesia Real Work” and “Tomohon Real Work” to see all the success that we accomplish both at the provincial level and even to the national level. The mayor hopes that the sister – sister student participants carnival / parade will be the Golden Generation child Tomohon we love to be able to continue their education to a higher level, so that later became the leader of Tomohon. Mayor confident that the golden generation is the generation that is loaded with knowledge and skills, as well as having good character and virtuous noble character.
At the end of his speech, Mayor hopes also of younger siblings of participants who are also my children whom I love, strive to achieve your ambition skies, learn wherever you are, because of the knowledge that actually exists in every breath and step you, learning is not obtained by chance, she should be sought with the spirit and listened intently, because science is like a golden key of life. Also present at the parade activities this kid Deputy Mayor Tomohon Syerly A. Sompotan, 1302 District Military Command liaison officer Maj Inf. masgen Abas, Head Dikda Drs. Gerardus Mogi along with the ranks.